Making the decision to begin a home remodeling project can be daunting enough, but once that decision is made a host of others follow closely behind. First and foremost is who to hire: a professional remodeler or a new construction builder.
While there are many reputable and talented new home builders in our area, there are a variety of reasons to select a professional remodeler for renovation projects.
Most homeowners think of walls as providing privacy and space to hang photos and artwork. New construction builders think of walls as places to lay wiring, vents, pipes and other essential but less attractive home elements. But professional remodelers are acutely aware of the often peculiar variations in layout that can happen behind walls. This allows professional remodelers to plan for a variety of possibilities in both their estimates and their approach to opening walls during the project.
It is experience like this that sets professional remodelers apart.
From on the job experience to the training it takes to acquire special designations like CGR (Certified Graduate Remodeler), GMB (Graduate Master Builder), and CAPS (Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist), professional remodelers have expertise unique to the kind of work it will take to turn your existing home into the home of your dreams.
It’s not all about technical expertise, though. New home builders work with clients, and the good ones provide excellent customer service, but client interactions on new home builds are limited to phone calls, emails and the occasional stop-by. Alternately, professional remodelers understand that they’re working in a functioning, full household, that they will be a part of a homeowner’s or family’s daily life for the duration of the build.
How does this affect the project? Professional remodelers know to ask lifestyle questions that will make the build as easy as possible for the family, questions such as: What are the best times of day for work? How should we interact with your pets? Are there any household routines we should be aware of?
Professional remodelers also know to be mindful of noise and dust, keeping their language, music and workspace clean to provide the safest and best remodeling experience possible.
Can a new construction builder handle your home renovation project? Almost definitely. But professional remodelers bring the kind of specific expertise to make your project as easy and predictable as possible.