NRVHBA Home Expo 2011

The New River Valley Home Builders Association Home Expo is almost upon us! On March 11, 12 and 13, more than a hundred home services businesses will fill the Christiansburg Recreation Center for a weekend of How-To Clinics, informational booths, door prizes and more.

We’ll be there, too, with two booths and three How-To Clinics for you to visit!

NRVHBA Home Expo 2011Our main booth will feature our Advantage Remodeling System. Stop by to find out about the 12-step system we follow from first contact to follow-up on all of our remodeling projects to ensure that each and every client get the service, attention and quality workmanship they deserve.

Stop by our secondary booth to learn more about our areas of expertise, from our general remodeling offerings to our Certified Aging-In-Place services. None of us are getting younger, but with thoughtful home modifications, aging doesn’t mean having to leave the home you love.

If you’d like to learn even more about Aging-In-Place options, join our How-To Clinic on Saturday, “How can I make my home more accessible as I age?” We’ll address everything from bathroom grab bars to stair lifts and many options between.

Also on Saturday will be our How-To Clinics, “How to Choose a Contractor?” and “How does the new EPA lead paint rule affect me?” Remodeling projects are challenging enough for homeowners; these clinics will help demystify the selection process and regulations so that you can focus on making decisions about the aesthetics and functionality that will give you the home of your dreams.

Whether you have a remodeling project on your horizon or you simply enjoy seeing the options available, come on out and stop by to say hello. Who knows what kinds of friends you’ll meet – and door prizes you’ll win!