Winter can be a great time to finally start that remodeling project you’ve been thinking about, and you may just save some money, too! The most popular time of year for home renovations is from August to November, so contractors are usually more available during the winter months and retailers often run big sales on appliances after the winter holidays.
So where do you begin?
Think Ahead
Start planning now for your remodel. What room do you want to renovate? What exactly to you want to change, add or remove? How will this impact your daily living in the home?
Figure Out the Finances
Decide now what your budget will be for the project. It may be helpful to go ahead and look into financing options if you will need a loan for the renovation.
Choose Your Contractor
The good news is, you have time to do your homework. There are several things you can do to make sure you pick a contractor that you trust and that will get the job done right. Asking for the names of previous customers is a great place to start, along with asking to see completed work and work in progress. Also, you want to make sure the contractor has a clearly communicated plan to complete your job so that the process moves quickly and smoothly. Once you pick a contractor, it is time to sign a contract and get on their calendar for the winter months!