In most cases, the kitchen will be out of operation for the duration of the renovation. To help ease the transition, we can sometimes assist in setting up a temporary kitchen somewhere else within your home, giving you a functional space to get by. We have clients who live in during the renovation and others who move out or live in a secondary home. It often comes down to what options you have and what is going to be most convenient and work best for you!
Yes. We have many options when it comes to customization of your cabinetry. We carry three semi-custom lines of cabinetry and work closely with a fully custom cabinet shop as well. Semi-custom offers enough options for most people while still remaining at an efficient price point. For the unique one-of-a-kind requests, the full custom shop can take care of that!
Popular Blue Ridge kitchen projects include:
• Gourmet kitchens
• Open floor plans
• Floor plan reconfiguration for better flow
• Pull and replace
Most kitchen remodels will take between 6 and 12 weeks. On the pull-put style kitchen with no location changes you will be on the lower end of the timeframe while the longer timeframe pertains to a more involved renovation including extensive changes to all finishes and the Layout.
When it comes to Kitchens and Bathrooms, the design phase is just as much about planning and selection coordination as it is about space layout. In a custom remodeling project, a comprehensive design phase goes beyond drafting building plans- it involves an in-depth analysis of all proposed building materials and the manner in which they will be installed. By defining these details in the design phase, you will have an accurate and fixed price cost of construction when you begin the Build Phase!
Whether you need a building permit for your project depends on how in depth the work will be. If you are doing a pull-put style remodel where you are replacing finishes in their same location, a building permit is not required. When your renovation includes moving or altering Load bearing framing, Plumbing, Electrical, or HVAC fixture locations, your project will require a building permit. Remember, if you are hiring a licensed general contractor, it is their responsibility to pull the building permit, NOT YOU!